Currently Accolades: Published/Exhibited for August 26, 2022

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  1. Theodore van Alst, Indigenous Nations Studies faculty, published "Go Blue" in Chicago Review.
  2. Kathi Inman Berens, English faculty, co-edited the Electronic Literature Collection Volume 4, the preeminent anthology of global digital literature.
  3. Eric Einspruch, OHSU-PSU School of Public Health and urban and public affairs, wrote a book titled “An Introductory Guide to R: Easing the Learning Curve.”
  4. Óscar Fernández and Ami Sommariva, university studies faculty; Maureen Hickey, international and global studies; and Sam Settelmeyer and Dana Crosby, gradute students, wrote, “The Benefits of Reflective Journaling During COVID-19: Contingent Faculty Exploring Teaching and Learning During a Crisis” in Trauma-Informed Pedagogies: A Guide for Responding to Crisis and Inequality in Higher Education.
  5. Julia Freybote, business faculty, published “Is E-commerce an Investment Risk Priced by Retail Real Estate Investors? An Investigation” in Journal of Property Research.
  6. Bennett Gilbert, university studies, wrote “The Problem of Anthropocentrism and the Human Kind of Personhood” in the journal Philosophy & Social Criticism.
  7. Tom Hastings, Conflict Resolution Coordinator of BA/BS and minor degrees, published “Most Likely to Secede: Can the US ‘Go Gorbachev?’”
  8. Melissa Haeffner, environmental sciences and management faculty, co-wrote, “On Capturing Human Agency and Methodological Interdisciplinarity in Sociohydrology Research in Hydrological Sciences Journal. 
  9. Maurice Hamington; philosophy and women, gender and sexuality studies faculty; co-edited an open-access book, “Care Ethics, Religion, and Spiritual Traditions.” 
  10. Maurice Hamington; philosophy and women, gender and sexuality studies faculty; co-edited a special issue of the peer reviewed journal, Philosophies, titled “Care Ethics Confronts Mainstream Philosophy.” 
  11. Jon Holt, world languages and literatures faculty, and Teppei Fukuda, MA ‘20, published a translation of “The Transgenerational Manga Sazae-san and its Meaning,” and accompanying introduction in The Comics Journal. 
  12. Jon Holt and Saki Hirozane, world languages and literatures faculty, published a translation and accompanying introduction of “Memories of Supaidaman,” in The Comics Journal.
  13. Isabel Jaen-Portillo, world languages and literatures faculty, wrote “La Conciencia en el Quijote: Aportación de Cervantes a la Ciencia Cognitiva de su Época” [consciousness in Don Quixote: Cervantes’ contribution to the cognitive science of his time] in Tropelías: Revista de Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada.
  14. Ted Khoury, business faculty, published “Simulating the Cause: How Grassroots Organizations Advance Their Credibility Through the Dramaturgical Curation of Events” in Organization Science.
  15. Clive Knights, architecture faculty, wrote a book of his recent collages titled “Gestures from a Body at Work: Unsuccessful Attempts at Grasping Eternity.”
  16. Jesse Locker, Art + Design faculty, wrote “Luca Riva, A Deaf Painter in Spanish Milan” in Source: Notes in the History of Art. 
  17. Cassio de Oliveira, world languages and literatures faculty, published a chapter titled “Translation and Close Reading in the General Education Seminar” in the book Teaching Literature in Translation: Pedagogical Contexts and Reading Practices.
  18. L. David Ritchie, communication faculty, wrote the book “Feeling, Thinking and Talking: How the Embodied Brain Shapes Everyday Communication.”
  19. Eva Thanheiser, mathematics and statistics faculty, co-wrote a book titled “Middle School Mathematics Lessons to Explore, Understand, and Respond to Social Justice.” 
  20. Eva Thanheiser, mathematics and statistics faculty, co-wrote “The Efficacy of Research-Based ‘Mathematics for All’ Professional Development” in the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. 
  21. John Vignaux Smyth, English faculty, co-wrote the book “Mock Ritual in the Modern Era.”
  22. Marvin Washington, business faculty, published “When a Ban Is Not a Ban: Institutional Work and the Russian Doping Scandal” in Journal of Sport Management.