Tools to Reduce Overwhelm

It's going to be okay.

You've come to a great place to get support. Whether you know what's causing it, or even if you're not quite sure where it's coming from, an Academic Coach can work with you to develop strategies that will reduce your feelings of overwhelm. Coaches have resources for you, coaches can connect you to resources, and the coaches themselves are resources.

Below are a few worksheets that may be relevant to your experience of overwhelm. Feel free to use any of them on your own or bring them to your next coaching appointment.

If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please contact PSU's Center for Student Health and Counseling for crisis counseling services.

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In previous [terms], I have felt like I was drowning in work and wanting to quit school. This [term] I still had times where I felt overwhelmed, but it was not due to procrastination this time. I felt like I was in more control of my work load than I have been in the past.

Common Coaching Concerns