Ellie Harmon

Dr. Ellie Harmon is a Senior Instructor of Computer Science in the Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science at Portland State University. She teach courses in introductory computer science, human-computer interaction, and computing & society.

Dr. Harmon also conducts research about the promises, threats, and impacts of contemporary computing. She's studied labor and the future of work, philanthropy and social change, microbial science, suburban family life, and possibilities for disconnection on the Pacific Crest Trail.

Dr. Harmon focuses on making computer science more broadly accessible, relevant, and welcoming. She is developing a new intro CS class at PSU, is the co-director of CyberPDX, a summer camp for broadening participation in cybersecurity, and serves as the faculty advisor for the PSU We in Computer Science (WiCS) student organization.

Area of Interest

  • Social informatics

Courses Taught

Research Archives