Woods Lab Members

MRI photo of skull and internal parts.

Dr. Mark Woods

Associate Professor of Chemistry
Ph.D. | Durham University, 1998
TMS Research Fellow, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 1999


Research lab homepage

Group Members

Professional photo of Charlene Kupara

Charlene Kupara

PhD Candidate

Charlene Kupara (she/her) is a first year PhD student at Portland State University. She holds a Bachelor of science Honors Degree in Chemistry from the University of Zimbabwe. Before joining the Woods Research Group as a PhD student in 2020, she was a Quality Control Chemist at the Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe (MCAZ). Her research is focused on studying and understanding lanthanide chelates with respect to MRI contrast agents.

Professional photo of Samantha Mumford

Sam Mumford

PhD Candidate

Sam Mumford (she/her) is a second year graduate student in the Woods group. Her research is investigating the molecular mechanisms of cellular water exchange by utilizing an extracellular Gd based contrast agent and NMR. Outside of the lab she is a WiSTEM committee member.

Professional photo of Delainey Winder

Delainey Winder

PhD Candidate

Delainey Winder (They/Them/She/Her) is a third year graduate student working in the Woods lab to obtain a doctorate. Delainey is a co-president of the Gender and Sexual Minorities in STEM organizations at PSU. With Bachelor of Science degrees in Biology and Chemistry and a minor in anthopology, their interest is to improve biological research through applications of chemistry. Her current project is on macrocyclic compounds containing lanthanides for use as MRI contrast agents and to aid in NMR studies of metabolites.

Lab Alumni

Dr. Karley Maier

Ph.D. Chemistry | Portland State University, 2021

Dr. Joseph Armstrong

Ph.D. Chemistry | Portland State University, 2021

Dr. Lauren Rust

Ph.D. Chemistry | Portland State University, 2020