The Literacy, Language & Technology Research Group (LLTR) is a community of faculty, staff and graduate students working together on a closely related set of grant-funded projects. The Research Group conducts a wide range of projects centered on the acquisition of literacy, digital literacy and second languages among adults, especially members of economically vulnerable and socially excluded populations.

Work ranges over basic, applied, and action research in diverse educational, workplace, and community settings, often involving the development or use of state-of-the-art educational technologies and content. LLTR is composed of faculty and staff as well as graduate and undergraduate students from the Department of Applied Linguistics and other departments at Portland State University. We also collaborate with colleagues in other institutions of higher education and other organizations including libraries, public health, and affordable housing  Consultants are drawn from a range of disciplines and advise on multiple projects.

Our Projects


Our Team

  • Kathy Harris, Director of LLTR, Applied Linguistics
  • Shelley Tennison, Graduate Research Assistant
  • Michelle Arendt, Graduate Research Intern
  • Benjamin O'Connor, Graduate Research Intern
  • Carola Loor-Argote, Graduate Research Intern
  • Haille Anderson, Undergraduate Research Intern



  • Nike Arnold, Associate Professor, Applied Linguistics
  • Jill Castek, Associate Professor, Teaching, Learning and Sociocultural Studies, University of Arizona
  • Kathy Harris, Director of LLTR, Applied Linguistics
  • John Hellermann, Professor, Applied Linguistics  
  • Gloria Jacobs, Research Associate, LLTR
  • Kimberly Pendell, Social Work & Social Sciences Librarian, Millar Library
  • Stephen Reder, Emeritus Professor, Applied Linguistics
  • Julie Reeder, Senior Research Analyst, Oregon WIC Program
  • Lynn Santelmann, Associate Professor and Department Chair, Applied Linguistics
  • Steve Thorne, Professor of Second Language Acquisition, World Languages and Literatures
  • Jenifer Vanek, Director of Digital Learning and Research, The EdTech Center @ World Education



  • Michael Crandall, University of Washington
  • David Rosen, Newsome Associates
  • Petrice Sams-Abiodun, Loyola University
  • Heide Spruck Wrigley, Literacywork International
  • Julia Tabbut, Literacy Minnesota
  • Christina Toth, University of Michigan
  • Gwenn Weaver, Independent Consultant with Open Door Collective and Digital Durham
  • Yong Zhao, University of Oregon