Teaching Black History with Geography and Primary Documents

Using Primary Sources to Teach Ethnic Studies and Black Histories & Geographies

C-GEO will offer 3 additional free workshops on Using Primary Sources to Teach Ethnic Studies and Black Histories & Geographies across the state for Oregon teachers. The workshops will be at the following locations and on the following dates (note: you should apply for only one location, as all workshops will follow the same format with some local elements).

February 4, 2023 – Lincoln City, Oregon (location: North Lincoln County Historical Museum)

April 8, 2023 – Medford, Oregon (locations: Southern Oregon Historical Society & Jackson Co. Public Library)

June 17, 2023 – Bend, Oregon (location: High Desert Museum)

Participants must be Oregon K-12 educators. Each workshop will explore BIPOC histories and geographies, the new Oregon ethnic studies standards, and techniques and discussions for teachers on multiple perspectives in analyzing primary sources. Additionally, participants will be book chapter reviewers for an upcoming E-book of Black Histories and Geography lessons and activities for classroom use that will be freely available for educators.

The application deadlines are January 14th for Lincoln City and February 28th for Medford and Bend.

Accepted participants will be notified in early January.

To apply go to https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfbm4SYrQ0GqW4rTNNSoMppuJArDCIUBMymh7kK9XtdI3_6BA/viewform?fbclid=IwAR3NdubEPVd9e-IodVkYpy65OoCq4jqwspKaqvVnElB3HuRp4zbIPj1qUFc