

*Faculty are at Portland State unless otherwise noted

Daniel Ballhorn - Biology

The effects of CO2 and soil salinity on plants and plant-microbe interactions. 

Mike Bartlett - Biology

Basic mechanisms and origins of eukaryotic-type transcription systems.

Goran Bozinovic - Boz Institute

Gene-environment interactions and how individuals and natural populations respond, cope, and adapt to stress. Goran is also the CEO of the BOZ Research and Training Institute.

Brad Buckley - Biology

Physiological responses of marine species to elevated temperature and other stressors. 

Sarah Eppley - Biology

Ecology and evolution of angiosperms and bryophytes, and understanding the roll of stress in extreme environments.

Dirk Iwata-Reuyl - Chemistry

The chemistry and enzymology of RNA modification.

Annie Lindgren - Biology

Deep sea biodiversity, cephalopod taxonomy and evolution.

Paola López-Duarte

Behavior and ecology of invertebrates and fish, especially factors controlling larval dispersal from and recruitment to adult habitats.

Jay Nadeau - Physics

Imaging techniques and instruments for bacterial imaging in extreme environments and space.

John Perona - Chemistry

Quantitative biology of the protein translation apparatus. 

Jason Podrabsky - Biology

Physiological response and adaptation to life in extreme environments, particularly in killifish and their larvae.

Anna-Louise Reysenbach - Biology

Ecology, evolution and biodiversity of microbes inhabiting high temperature terrestrial hot springs and deep-sea hydrothermal vents. 

Amie Romney - Director

Developmental embryology, genomics, proteomics of vertebrates.

Todd Rosenstiel - Biology

Plant-functional biology, biosphere biology, and the interactions between the biosphere and atmosphere. 

Ken Stedman - Biology

Ecology and evolution of viruses of the Archaea, transcriptional regulation.

Brianne Suldovsky - Communication

Public understanding of climate change, biotechnology, and environmental risks

Anne Thompson - Biology

Role of marine microorganisms in shaping the Earth System.