Board of Trustees


September 26 - 27 are the next meetings of the PSU  Board of Trustees. 
Materials can be found on each of the following pages 

Subscribe to our new Board Google Calendar, where you can access meeting details (including materials when posted). 

Share your feedback about the Board.

Please share your feedback with the PSU Board of Trustees. 
You can also share recommendations on Trustee characteristics or recommendations that should be considered when the board has a trustee vacancy.

Sign up for Board Meeting Notices

Please email to join the mailing list for upcoming Board meetings. 

Join the Zoom Webinar for the Meetings 

Join the Zoom Webinar at and to listen to the meeting by phone by call 1-971-247-1195; meeting ID: 849 0263 8728. 

The Portland State University Board of Trustees is a 15-member volunteer board appointed by the Governor of Oregon. The Board is responsible for the governance of the University as provided in state laws that establish the University. The Board meets at least four times a year. Most of the work of the Board is done through the Board’s committees, which meet regularly throughout the year. The members of the Board elect their Chair and Vice Chair, are responsible for the employment and evaluation of the University President, establish the mission and strategic plan of the University, establish tuition and fee rates, approve the University budget and the incursion of debt, and perform other tasks as necessary. All actions of the Board are for the benefit of the University, its current and future students, faculty and staff, the Portland metropolitan area, and the State of Oregon.