Amy Lubitow

Amy Lubitow


Sociology - Liberal Arts & Sciences

CH 217T
(503) 725-3989

Research Interests: Mobility Justice, Transportation Inequalities, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Environmental Sociology, Critical Perspectives on Sustainability

My research is broadly focused on qualitative and mixed methods research that explores how people are mobile. I am particularly interested in how transportation systems, pedestrian and cycling infrastructure, and social dynamics enable or constrain people’s movements in urban areas. Most recently I am working on a team project funded by the National Institute for Transportation and Communities to conduct mobile ethnographic interviews. Since 2019, my research has been published in a range of academic journals including the Journal of Transport Geography, City & Community, Sexuality & Culture, Urban Geography, and Sustainability. My current projects include: 1) An interview study exploring barriers to cycling for men of color in Portland; 2) A mixed methods project exploring how to enhance transportation survey data collection practices in order to increase survey participation from underrepresented groups; 3) A multi-site study of transportation barriers experienced by trans and gender non-conforming individuals and those who are housing insecure.

  • PhD, Sociology
    Northeastern University
  • MA, Sociology
    Northeastern University
  • BA, Sociology
    Ithaca College