Lester Newman Seminar Series

Welcome to the PSU Biology Department Lester Newman Seminar Series. Seminars are Mondays 4-5pm in SRTC Room 247.

Please see this spreadsheet for past and future seminar topics.

9/30/2024Andrew Niesley BlackPurdue & Oregon StateLeveraging genomics in conservation: A cocktail of animal case studiesRuedas
10/7/2024Brittany BarkerOregon State UniversityMonitoring pests, their crop hosts, and their natural enemiesCruzan
10/14/2024Tyler CoaleUC Santa CruzBeyond Symbiosis: Reframing Of The UCYN-A Marine N2-fixing PartnershipThompson
10/21/2024Scott GardnerUniversity of NebraskaParasite Biodiversity: the inside storyRuedas
10/28/2024Mitchell CruzanPortland State UniversityHow to make a weedCruzan
11/4/2024Anderson FeijoField MuseumThe build-up of Asian mammal faunasRuedas
11/18/2024Todd Gillis University of GuelphCardiac remodeling in fish: strategies to maintain heart function during temperature change 
11/25/2024Scott GilbertStreeling University at Swarthmore CollegeWe never were individuals:
Symbiosis and holobiont development
12/2/2024Brian KraatzWestern University of Health SciencesEvolutionary morphology of the rabbit skullRuedas