Travis Bell

Travis Bell

Associate Professor

Architecture, College of the Arts

SH 207C
(503) 284-0604

Travis Bell is a Professor at Portland State University's School of Architecture, teaching lecture and seminar courses in building tectonics and sustainability, design studios, and design/build courses. After a decade of practice variously working as a builder and licensed architect within the Portland region, Travis is thrilled to focus on teaching emerging architects the complex process of developing design ideas into material reality. 

Travis's primary interest lies in making architecture that is in closer alignment with the natural patterns of our physical and social environment. This primary interest grounds a research, teaching, and design agenda focused on appropriate material choice, the prioritization of authentic craftsmanship, passive systems design, adapted historical technologies, regionalism, and temporary architectural solutions.

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  • M.ARCH
    University Of Washington
  • B.S. Philosophy
    Portland State University