A Message of Caring from Dean Bynum

Dear College of the Arts community,

As we grieve the loss of Sonic Arts and Music Production student Amara Marluke, who was killed in a tragic incident near campus this week, we are all reacting to this news differently. You may have known Mara as a classmate or as a friend, or perhaps you never met her. Whether or not you knew her, a loss like this one creates ripples across our community. Each of us is affected. You may feel a deep sadness, or anger at the unjust taking of such a young life, or you may feel detached and numb. It’s a lot for our bodies and minds to process, and we all react differently. Please know that your feelings are all okay. There is no right or wrong way to feel in this moment. What matters is that we come together and take care of ourselves and each other. These are stressful and sad times, and I am thankful to be a part of this community of creators who are committed to using their art to make the world a better place for each other.

Mara was an important member of this community. She impressed her faculty with her clear sense of purpose in the world, as she thoughtfully wove her dedication to social justice and the movement for Black lives into her musical compositions. She aspired to become a songwriter and a music teacher and was working toward making her dreams a reality. Though she was still quite new to the College of the Arts, she had already made an impact on those around her.

Please take time in the coming days and weeks to give yourself some extra care. Get plenty of sleep and spend time in the company of people you love. Turn to others–your faculty, staff, friends and family–for help when you need it. We are here for you. In addition, I encourage you to utilize the university’s helpful resources for processing and healing, including counseling and mental health services, support for individuals experiencing interpersonal violence and other sources of help.

Leroy E. Bynum Jr., DMA
College of the Arts


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