Currently Accolades: Published/Exhibited for January 11, 2021

A woman poses in the stacks of the PSU library


  1. Shelby Anderson, anthropology faculty, co-authored “Marine Reservoir Effects in Seal (Phocidae) Bones in the Northern Bering and Chukchi Seas, Northwestern Alaska” in the journal Radiocarbon.
  2. Christine Cress, College of Education faculty, co-authored “The Role of Emotional Entropy and Ethnocentric Paradigms in International Service-Learning: A New Pedagogical Model for Global Agency Development,” published in the Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education.
  3. Cass Hausserman, business faculty, co-authored “Does Understanding Tax Laws Reduce Charitable Giving? A Study of Tax Literacy and Unintended Consequences” in Advances in Taxation.
  4. Kevin Kecskes, public administration faculty, co-authored “The Long-Haul: Buddhist Educational Strategies to Strengthen Students’ Resilience for Lifelong Personal Transformation and Positive Community Change” in Metropolitan Universities.
  5. Staci B. Martin, social work, Chablue Wah, political science student, and Salome Nanyenga ’TK, co-authored “Stopped Listening: Experiences of Higher Education Refugee-background Learners” in the Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education.
  6. Marisa Miller, Career Center internship coordinator, co-authored “The Effects of Workplace Inclusion on Employee Assimilation Outcomes” in the International Journal of Business Communication.
  7. Cassio de Oliveira, world languages and literatures faculty, wrote an essay titled “O ‘Amor Brasileiro’ de Vsiévolod Ivanov” in RUS: Revista de Literatura e Cultura Russa, published by the University of São Paulo, Brazil. 
  8. Jennifer Peterson, University Honors College faculty, co-authored an editorial titled “One Health and Neglected Tropical Diseases—Multisectoral Solutions to Endemic Challenges” in the journal Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease.
  9. Will Parnell, curriculum and instruction department chair and early childhood education faculty, co-authored a chapter titled “Rethinking Research in Early Childhood: (Re)Turning the Kaleidoscope” in the book “Strong Foundations: Evidence Informing Practice in Early Childhood Education and Care,” published by ACER Pres on Dec. 1.
  10. Meredith Woehler, business faculty, co-authored “Whether, How, and Why Networks Influence Men’s and Women’s Career Success: Review and Research Agenda” in the Journal of Management.