Field schools are another way you can gain knowledge and experience outside of the classroom. While still focused on a relevant issue and practical experience, field schools differ from internships in that field schools are focused more on helping you develop your anthropological skillset. Additionally, field schools tend to be for a shorter duration than internships. We encourage you to look closely at what the field school has to offer and see if it fits your interests and needed skill development, especially since field schools can be costly. Below is a list of field schools that offer a range of experiences.

Field SchoolPathways
Balkan Heritage Field SchoolCultural Resource Management and Heritage
Blackfriary Archaeology Field SchoolCultural Resource Management and Heritage
Center for Field Sciences

Cultural Resource Management and Heritage

Paleoanthropology and Human Osteology

Comitas Institute for Anthropological StudyDevelopment & Social Justice
Crow Canyon Archaeological Center

Cultural Resource Management and Heritage

Public and Community Anthropology/Archaeology

Ecuador Virtual Ethnographic Field School

Health Anthropology

Humans, Environment and Resilience

Public and Community Anthropology/Archaeology

Ethnographic Field School in Tonga

Development and Social Justice

Humans, Environment and Resilience

Public and Community Anthropology/Archaeology

Etzanoa Archaeological Field School

Cultural Resource Management and Heritage

Public and Community Anthropology/Archaeology

Field School in Mortuary Archaeology

Cultural Resource Management and Heritage

Paleoanthropology and Human Osteology

Fort Lewis College Ethnographic Field School

Development and Social Justice

Health Anthropology

Humans, Environment and Resilience

Public and Community Anthropology/Archaeology

Huari-Ancash Bio-Archaeological Research

Cultural Resource Management and Heritage

Paleoanthropology and Human Osteology

Institute for Field Research

Cultural Resource Management and Heritage

Humans, Environment and Resilience

Paleoanthropology and Human Osteology

Primatology and Human Biology

Public and Community Anthropology/Archaeology

Isla Mujeres Ethnographic Field School

Humans, Environment and Resilience

Public and Community Anthropology/Archaeology

Juvenile Osteology Research Workshop

Cultural Resource Management and Heritage

Paleoanthropology and Human Osteology

Lost Churches Project - Medieval Funerary Excavation

Cultural Resource Management and Heritage

Paleoanthropology and Human Osteology

Maderas Rainforest Conservancy

Health Anthropology

Humans, Environment and Resilience

Primatology and Human Biology

Public and Community Anthropology/Archaeology

Monticello-University of Virginia Field SchoolCultural Resource Management and Heritage
NAPA-OT Field School

Development and Social Justice

Health Anthropology

Humans, Environment and Resilience

Public and Community Anthropology/Archaeology

North Shore Field School

Development and Social Justice

Humans, Environment and Resilience

Public and Community Anthropology/Archaeology

Off the Beaten Track

Design Anthropology

Development and Social Justice

Health Anthropology

Humans, Environment and Resilience

Public and Community Anthropology/Archaeology

Open School of Ethnography and Anthropology

Health Anthropology

Humans, Environment and Resilience

Public and Community Anthropology/Archaeology

Oregon State University Archaeology Field SchoolCultural Resource Management and Heritage
Pacific Northwest Preservation Field SchoolCultural Resource Management and Heritage
Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission

Cultural Resource Management and Heritage

Public and Community Anthropology/Archaeology

PSU/WSUV/NPS Public Archaeology Field School

Cultural Resource Management and Heritage

Public and Community Anthropology/Archaeology

Summer Interdisciplinary Ethnography Field School in Mauritius

Development and Social Justice

Public and Community Anthropology/Archaeology

Time of Magan - Ras Al Jinz ProjectCultural Resource Management and Heritage
Turkana Basin Institute Field Schools

Cultural Resource Management and Heritage

Paleoanthropology and Human Osteology

University of Wyoming Field SchoolCultural Resource Management and Heritage