OAI Invites Faculty & Staff to Join New Communities of Practice at PSU

Applications due November 12, 2021

Faculty signing with video chat on computer

OAI is excited to announce the launch of a new Community of Practice program at Portland State University.


Are you looking to disrupt isolation, forge generative connections with your colleagues, and take your scholarship further this year? When you join a Community of Practice, you become part of a group of scholar-practitioners working together across multiple areas of study at PSU. Together you will have the opportunity to share stories of challenge and success, co-create models and scholarship, and engage in personal reflection and analysis. Two tracks are currently open for applications for 2022:

Canvas x Universal Design for Learning Community of Practice

In the Canvas x UDL Community of Practice, members will select a course they are currently teaching as an area of focus for coaching and analysis related to UDL best-practices within Canvas. In addition to peer and facilitator coaching during monthly synchronous whole-group sessions, members will explore innovative UDL strategies in an effort make their Canvas courses engaging and accessible to the widest possible range of learners. Independently, participants will use what they’ve learned to implement, analyze, and adjust their application of UDL in real time. This cohort will meet synchronously once per month in Winter and Spring 2022. Members will receive a $1,010 stipend for their work ($505 per term).

Canvas x Universal Design for Learning Community of Practice.

Centering equity, the Community-Based Learning (CBL) Community of Practice will collaborate for individual learning and collective progress toward a justice-oriented CBL, campus and Portland. We will co-produce community agreements, goals and timelines to guide our work. We will also collaborate on (a) final project(s) aligned with goals. Five monthly meetings; $1,000 stipend. We intend to make this community of practice available to faculty and staff, depending on what relevant union agreements, protocols allow.

Detailed information on each cohort will be available in the application. All applications are due by 5pm on Friday November 12, 2021. Learn more about each community and apply now on OAI's Professional Development webpage.

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