Apply to join a SOTL Faculty Cohort

Speaking for Ourselves: Contingent Faculty, a SoTL (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) Approach

PSU faculty in discussion

Apply to Join a SOTL Faculty Cohort

Speaking for Ourselves: Contingent Faculty, a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Approach

The purpose of this project is to involve contingent faculty in co-creating Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) research and writing experiences that scaffold scholarly teaching and learning in a cohort setting. Two cohorts of contingent faculty (one spring and one summer cohort) are invited to apply (for dates and times, see the application form link below). There will be 4 seminars that are mandatory to participate in in order to receive funds (payment subject to approval & may depend on classification). We will apply a SoTL approach that scaffolds steps to start writing, supports faculty as they think critically about their pedagogy, and encourages collaboration with peers. BIPOC (Black/Brown, Indigenous, and People of Color) and under-representative faculty will be prioritized and affinity groups will be made.

This project is funded by the Provost Re-Imagining grant and is facilitated by Drs. Staci B Martin and Óscar Fernández, in collaboration with Dr. Dannelle Stevens and the Office of Academic Innovation. Our hope is that it will respond to equity issues among contingent faculty and fund scaffolding, time, and space to do scholarship and learning that we want, deserve, and need to support our own professional development and scholarship. The SOTL project supports faculty to become better teachers and scholars through reflection on practice and mastering academic writing strategies within a cohort where they can be heard, seen, and valued.


faculty working together at a computer


There is a Spring and Summer cohort option. Please pick the one that best works for you. The deadline to apply is March 21, 2022, at 5:00 pm. For questions, please contact Drs. Staci B Martin, and/or Óscar Fernández,

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