Flagship Student Macie

Macie Harreld

PSU Russian Flagship Student


Career Goals: What do you plan to do with your fluency in Russian?

I plan to use my fluency in Russian to live in a Russian-speaking country. I would like to teach English as an additional language to students abroad.

What attracted you to the Flagship Program?

I was interested in this Flagship Program because of its intensity and cultural perspective. This program is rigorous and fast-paced. It provides a greater reward in terms of linguistic capability than the average four-year foreign language program. Additionally, the Flagship program offers much more than just language instruction. Should a student choose to dive deeper, this program offers a multidimensional education concerning Russian culture, geography, history, and much more.

What’s the best aspect of being in the Flagship Program?

The Flagship group is small and close-knit. We quickly get to know the other students and receive personalized attention from our professors, who are extremely qualified and truly talented educators.

Why is fluency in Russian vital to you?

I lived in Russia for a short time with no knowledge of the language. It was extremely difficult to navigate daily life. Since I would like to live and work in Eastern Europe again, it’s very important for me to learn Russian. Not only does this program allow you access to the language, but it opens a window into the nuances of the culture that I could hardly grasp even while being immersed there. Ultimately, the Russian Flagship program at PSU fosters an environment of intercultural understanding and global connections.


  • BA English (2025)
  • MA TESOL (2025)