Currently Accolades: Grants for November 6, 2023

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  1. Paula Carder, School of Public Health faculty and Director of the Institute on Aging, received a $695,689 grant from the National Institute on Aging, in partnership with Brown University, for the research, “Private Equity Expansion in Assisted Living: Implications for Dementia Care.”
  2. Max Nielsen-Pincus, Associate Professor and Chair of Environmental Science and Management, and Cody Evers, Faculty Research Research Associate, received an award of $857,239 to contribute to USDA Forest Service research titled “Integrated Socio-ecological Assessment of Federal Fuel Treatment Effects on Community Mitigation and Resilience.”
  3. Amy Parker, Education faculty, is Principal Investigator of a new five-year $1.24M grant-funded project named O&M FLIP, collaborating with the Orientation and Mobility programs at Western Michigan University and the University of Pittsburgh.