BP141 Adaptive Project Management

About This Course

Not all projects can be managed with a calendar-based plan. You must plan some projects as you learn what works.

Organizations are increasingly using Adaptive methodologies to address expanding uncertainty, complexity, and the need for iterative development and implementation. These methodologies and the practices they include provide new opportunities by making work visible and focusing on what individuals and teams need to be sustainably more effective and efficient. They are iterative, closely involve the customer, and build in continuous learning. 

The two most popular adaptive project management methodologies are Scrum and Kanban. Scrum became well known in the early 2000s.  Its cousin, Kanban, was adapted from the manufacturing world in the mid-2000s.  Scrum came from the Agile concepts while Kanban came from the Lean concepts. We will dive deeply into both methodologies and briefly look at predecessor methodologies, including Crystal, Extreme Programming, and Dynamic Systems Development.

We will start by exploring Agile and Lean, the roots of Scrum and Kanban, and end by reviewing ScrumBan's attempts to take the best from Scrum and Kanban. You will explore the knowledge, skills, and techniques needed to apply adaptive project management within your organization.


Course Snapshot

Course delivered in a virtual format with live instructor & student interaction

Once per year (Spring)


One week with a 15-hour workload. Please check the schedule for live session dates and times.


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Group of young people laughing over a desk with papers

Project Management

Projects are everywhere — in healthcare, IT, government, nonprofits, retail, construction, education, banking, and more. With a projected 6.2 million project management roles added in the U.S. by 2020, the field of project management continues to be a top career choice. The ability to create and lead...

What You’ll Learn

Upon completion of this course, students will have gained the knowledge to:

  • Understand the roots of Lean and Agile in the project world
  • Apply Scrum in your organization (roles, boards, sprints, ceremonies, and more)
  • Scale Scrum
  • Appreciate other Agile methodologies (Crystal, Extreme Programming, and Dynamic Systems Development Method)
  • Apply Kanban in your organization (roles, boards, managing work in process, the workflow, metrics, and more)
  • Compare and contrast Scrum and Kanban
  • Understand ScrumBan and other emerging variants
  • Explore the challenges of implementing Adaptive Project Management in organizations that use traditional Predictive Project Management (think Gantt chart!) approaches

The Learning Environment

This course is delivered in a virtual format and combines lectures, discussions, and group activities. 

Courses in the Project Management Certificate Track

Enrolling in the full certificate program provides students with a comprehensive overview of all aspects of project management.

Courses may be taken individually and in any order unless otherwise noted. Four courses are required to complete the certificate. If pursuing the certificate, all courses in the certificate program must be completed within three years. Visit the program page for a recommended sequence.