Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGSS) is an interdisciplinary department that offers two majors: Women’s Studies (WS) & Sexuality, Gender and Queer Studies (SGQS), both of which offer students a combination of knowledge, skills, and experience that uniquely positions them for a range of careers and societal contributions more broadly. Our faculty work closely with you to craft a course of study that nurtures your personal and intellectual development appropriate to your academic interests and post-graduation goals.

Image for PIAA 302U Flyer

Intro to Asian American Studies

Seats are still available WS/PIAA 302U!
T 1730-2110 | CRN 44479/44477

It's not too late! Interested students should contact the professor directly to add this fun RESR course!

This course counts towards: Race and Ethnic Studies Requirement; Gender and Sexualities Studies and Leading Social Change Junior Clusters; Women’s Studies and SGQS majors and minors.


2023 Spring Celebration

Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies celebrate the end-of-year by honoring its graduates.

PSU Walk of the Heroines 2023

Guest Lecturer Professor Bettina Judd
Title: "Feelin"
March 3, 2023 @ 1 pm

Four students sitting on the steps of the Walk of the Heroines

Honoring Our Heroines

Combining art, gardens, text, and a vibrant community space, the Walk of the Heroines honors the women who have made a difference in our lives.

Study Women's Studies

Support Our Department

Your tax-deductible gift goes toward providing opportunities for our students.