PSU Student Leaders Travel to Salem for University Lobby Day

ASPSU Members pose for a photo with PSU mascot Victor E. Viking
ASPSU Members pose for a photo with PSU mascot Victor E. Viking.

On February 8th, members of ASPSU (PSU’s student government) – Tucker Luft, Carol Sciba, Rowan Bean, Yoko Kinoshita, Nehemiah Wilson, Zack Surmacz, Alden Akeman, and their SALP ASPSU Advisor, Madeline Frisk – traveled to Salem to attended University Lobby Day.

University Lobby Day is an event held on even years during the short legislative session, where all of Oregon’s public universities come together to meet with representatives at the Oregon Capitol and advocate for issues that impact college students across the state.

This year, the bills discussed included HB 4154 (semiconductor workforce training), HB 4151/SB 1592 (behavioral health workforce funding), and HB 4162 (student emergency needs package - OERs/basic needs funding - food/housing insecurity).

Portland State will host its own lobby day in 2025, and more information on how to participate will be provided by PSU Government Relations later this year.