Ranunculus orthorhynchus

Ranunculus orthorhynchus fruits with mm ruler on right.

Ranunculus orthorhynchus fruits with mm ruler on right.

Ranunculus orthorhynchus seedling with cotyledons (seed leaves; unlobed) and true leaves (lobed).

Ranunculus orthorhynchus seedling with cotyledons (seed leaves; unlobed) and true leaves (lobed).  

Ranunculus orthorhynchus seedlings growing in 48-cell liners at the Berry Seed Bank research greenhouse located in Portland, Oregon.

Ranunculus orthorhynchus seedlings growing in 48-cell liners at the Berry Seed Bank research greenhouse located in Portland, Oregon. 

Ranunculus orthorhynchus seedlings growing in 48-cell liners at the Berry Seed Bank research greenhouse located in Portland, Oregon.

Ranunculus orthorhynchus seedlings growing in 48-cell liners at the Berry Seed Bank research greenhouse located in Portland, Oregon. 

Ranunculus orthorhynchus rootball of seedlings growing in 48-cell liners at the Berry Seed Bank research greenhouse located in Portland, Oregon.

Ranunculus orthorhynchus rootball of seedlings growing in 48-cell liners at the Berry Seed Bank research greenhouse located in Portland, Oregon. 

Ranunculus orthorhynchus rootball of seedlings growing in 48-cell liners at the Berry Seed Bank research greenhouse located in Portland, Oregon.

Ranunculus orthorhynchus rootball of seedlings growing in 48-cell liners at the Berry Seed Bank research greenhouse located in Portland, Oregon.