Currently Accolades: Published/Exhibited for October 10, 2022

Illustration of a piece of paper
  1. Paula Carder, OHSU-PSU School of Public Health faculty and Institute on Aging Director, co-authored a consensus statement in JAMA Open Network on recommended medical and mental health care services in assisted living.  
  2. Evguenia Davidova, International Studies faculty, published an open-access article “Monarchism with a Human Face: Balkan Queens and the Social Politics of Nursing in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries” in Comparative Studies in Society and History 64, 3 (2022) 788-819.
  3. Kathy Harris, Applied Linguistics faculty, and Naila Judge, MA ‘20, co-authored a paper titled “Learning from Each Other: A Partnership Between an Affordable Housing Organization and a Digital Literacy Research Organization” in Adult Literacy Education. 
  4. David Raffo, business faculty, published “What Makes Agile Software Development Agile?” in the peer-reviewed journal IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.