Currently Accolades: Presented for April 12, 2021

Man standing in front of mural


  1. Robert Asaadi, political science and international and global studies, presented his paper titled “Institutional Power Sharing in the Islamic Republic of Iran” on the panel “Governance, Identities, Religion and Politics” at the 2021 Western Political Science Association academic conference on April 1. 
  2. Robert Asaadi, political science and international and global studies, presented his paper “Why Washington Should Not Seek Regime Change in Tehran” on a panel titled “Contemporary Challenges to U.S. Foreign Policy” at the 2021 International Studies Association academic conference
  3. Jacen Greene, Homelessness Research & Action Collaborative assistant director, presented “New Inventions and Rapid Research in Response to COVID” as an invited speaker at the Swarthmore College Engaged Scholarship Symposium on March 16.
  4. Jacen Greene, Homelessness Research & Action Collaborative assistant director, presented as part of a panel on “Community Research and Engagement to Address Homelessness” at the Ashoka U Exchange on March 17.
  5. Stanton Heister and Kristi Yuthas, business, co-presented “Consortium Capabilities for Enterprise Blockchain Success” at the Blockchain International Science Conference ISC 2021. The paper won the Best Paper Award at the conference. 
  6. Anahita Khodadadi, architecture faculty, presented “A Technical Design Challenge: A Medium for Integrating Technical Knowledge and Design Skills” at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture’s 109th Annual Meeting.
  7. Marie Lo, English faculty, was an invited keynote speaker on Asian American and Pacific Islander history and the recent increase in anti-Asian violence as part of North Central College’s AAPI Solidarity Week on March 31.