Currently Accolades: Published/Exhibited for September 25, 2023

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1. Rowanna Carpenter and Seanna Kerrigan, University Studies; and Vicki Reitenauer, Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies faculty; published an article titled “‘With the Kindness Shown to Me’: Assessing Remote Teaching and Learning Strategies in a Time of Pandemic” in the Journal of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness.
2. Heejun Chang, Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Programs in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Geography faculty, and Will Long, graduate student, authored a paper titled “Spatial Analysis of Streamflow Trends in Burned Watersheds Across the Western Contiguous United States” published in Hydrological Processes. 
3. David Ervin, Environmental Management and Economics faculty emeritus, co-published “Changing the Paradigm for Pesticide Resistance Management” in Pest Management Science.
4. Julia Freybote and Riëtte Carstens, Business faculty, published the article “Ability to Work and Health & Safety: Property User Concerns and Satisfaction,” in the Journal of Property Research.
5. Jon Holt, World Languages and Literatures faculty, published an article titled "I am a Japanese Body, My Name Is Shingo: Umezu Kazuo’s Fleshy and Mechanical Bodies," in Dartmouth College's Springboard Japan online bilingual academic journal.
6. Jon Holt, World Languages and Literatures faculty, and Saki Hirozane, World Languages and Literature graduate student, published a translation and accompanying introduction of “The Conclusion of Happy Mania,” an essay by manga scholar Miyamoto Hirohito, Aug. 16 in The Comics Journal. 
7. Hannah Kravitz, Mathematics faculty, published the paper “Localized Eigenvectors on Metric Graphs” in Mathematics and Computers in Simulation.
8. Talitha May, English, published “Mono No Aware, no.1” in the fall 2023 edition of Calyx Press, Fine Art and Literature by Women.
9. Talitha May, English, published “Winter Rains” in the literary magazine Humana Obscura.
10. Zapoura Newton-Calvert, University Studies, wrote a chapter titled “Rooting Our Teaching in the Change Around Us: Growing an Anti-Racist, Community-Interdependent Course Model” in the book “Composition and Rhetoric in Contentious Times.”
11. Dara Shifrer, Sociology faculty, authored a study, “U.S. Ninth Graders’ Math Course Placement at the Intersection of Learning Disability Status, Race, and Socioeconomic Status,” published in AERA Open.
12.  J. J. P. Veerman, Mathematics faculty, authored “Geodesics on Regular Constant Distance Surfaces” to be published in Journal of Geometry.