Currently Accolades: Published/Exhibited for February 22, 2021

A woman poses in the stacks of the PSU library


  1. Laura Nissen, social work faculty; Melissa Appleyard, business faculty; Jeanne Enders, business faculty; Cynthia Carmina Gómez, Cultural Resource Center; Andres Guzman, education; Sally Strand Mudiamu, PSU International Partnerships; and Sheila Mullooly, IELP Learning Center, co-authored “A Public University Futures Collaboratory: A Case Study in Building Foresightfulness and Community,” published in World Futures Review.  
  2. Rachel Noorda and Kathi Inman Berens, English, co-authored “Immersive Media & Books 2020,” published by Panorama Project.
  3. Ryan Petteway, OHSU-PSU School of Public Health faculty, published “Dreams of a Beloved Public Health: Confronting White Supremacy in Our Field” in Health Affairs.
  4. Ryan Petteway, OHSU-PSU School of Public Health faculty, published “Let’s Re-Place the Health Opportunity Maps” in Shelterforce.