Learning Outcomes Template Page

The windows from the Millar Library showing four stories of the inside of the building.


Department: Astrology (Heading 2)

Degrees Offered & Learning Outcomes: (Heading 2)

Undergraduate (Heading 3)

Horoscope Studies (Heading 4)

  1. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of linkages between celestial conjunctions and their effect on each zodiac sign.
  2. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the zodiac signs and their connection to the elements: earth, wind, water, and fire.
  3. Students will be familiar with each phases of the moon cycle and their specific meanings.

Planetary Studies (Heading 4)

  1. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the planets in our solar system.
  2. Show how well-understood physical laws can be applied to interpret and explain astronomical observations.
  3. Students will show the ability to analyze and interpret observation data in terms of astronomical models.


Graduate (Heading 3)

Birth Chart Studies (Heading 4)

  1. Students will demonstrate a strong knowledge of our solar system and the archetypal knowledge of each planet. 
  2. Students will demonstrate the ability to read a birth chart by making a model of their own birth cart. 
  3. Students will demonstrate the ability to synthesize historical literature pertaining to astrological observations regarding the planets. 

Ancient Zodiac Studies (Heading 4)

  1. Students will demonstrate a strong understanding of the principles of Egyptian astrology. 
  2. Students will demonstrate a strong understanding of the principles of Chinese astrology.
  3. Students will demonstrate a strong understanding of the principles of Mayan astrology. 

To create this page:

  • Title your page "[Department] Learning Outcomes"
  • Use 3 Widgets in this order: "H1 Header: Page Title", "Header: Short Hero", and "Text: 1 Column".
  • Edit the "Header: Short Hero" widget to choose a display picture that matches your department webpage.
  • In the "Text 1: Column" widget, enter your department's learning outcomes in the same order as this template.
  • Assign the correct paragraph formats. "Headings" make the font larger and bold. The small text is the "normal" format.