University Studies


Think Holistically. Care Deeply. Engage Courageously. 

Imagine and Co-Create a Just World.

Imagine a unique university program with students at the heart; imagine learning communities where teachers are connected not only with their field of study but also with the city in which we live; imagine general education within a public university where students gain skills for both academic and life success.  This is University Studies.

University Studies is the unique general education program at Portland State and it is made up of a community of teachers, mentors, and staff who are committed to lifelong interdisciplinary inquiry in a caring environment.  

Whatever your educational path is at Portland State University, University Studies is your second home.  Extending through all four university levels, your UNST courses teach you 21st century skills for success.  

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Education that Matters

Your success at Portland State starts in University Studies, a powerful learning experience that emboldens you to create a more meaningful future for yourself and others. 

UNST is hiring for Fall Term

FRINQ Student Success Pilot

This Pilot is an ambitious redesign of PSU’s first year general education curriculum. University Studies partnered with the Office of Student Success to create a curriculum which serves as a place where students learn to become successful students and connect their education to their values and life plans. 

Upcoming events