Services for Students With Children

RCSC Drop-In Hours 

The Resource Center for Students with Children (SMSU, suite 462) is open for drop-in services Monday-Thursday from 10 am-3 pm. Outside of these hours, please email for assistance. 


Mission and Vision

Services for Students With Children is building toward a future where all students and their families are celebrated for their unique strengths and needs, and supported with the resources they need to thrive. We nurture community, advocate alongside students, and offer tangible resources and spaces that allow students to meet their responsibilities as students and caretakers.

Who we are

Services for Students With Children brings together student and professional staff to support student parents and caregivers on and off campus. We recognize that students in various family formations offer care to children and young people – as single and co-parents of children of all ages, as stepparents, foster parents, older siblings, and more. We hope that students of all backgrounds are able to access our services – and we welcome feedback on how we can better meet your needs!

Upcoming events