We need science.

Portland State University is responding to the nationally and regionally identified need to support the growth of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) graduates who are technically and professionally prepared to enter careers that demand science and math competencies.

To achieve the goal of providing increased opportunities for more students from diverse backgrounds to succeed in STEM courses and careers - particularly traditionally under-represented students populations (such as first generation college students and students of color) Portland State University has created the STEM Institute. Its a cross campus service center that supports innovative teaching and scholarship among faculty teaching in the STEM disciplines and provides focused student support resources that target student success in the STEM disciplines. The STEM institute Director develops programs and initiatives that are guided by the STEM Council and cross campus team of practitioners that participate on the STEM Education Collaborative.

Engagement leads to success.

Many STEM Portland State faculty are engaging in classroom teaching strategies designed to improve student success in these courses, by improving student-learning outcomes, student engagement with STEM and developing student identity as STEM learners and practitioners.

The STEM Education and Equity Institute at Portland State University is committed to creating and sustaining a student-centered welcoming environment dedicated to authentic excellence, that promotes student success, engagement and well-being.