
Educational And Community Collaborations

Are you a student or community member looking to team up with our facilities group for a project? Check out our educational and community collaborations page to see highlights from previous projects and how to contact us to see how we can work together.

AIM Resources and Work Request Information For The PSU Community

Work Control Center

The Work Control Center routes work requests and serve as the first point of contact for inquiries regarding maintenance and billable services. View our FAQ!

Facilities Request Portal

(on-campus/VPN network access required)

The PSU Facilities & Property Management Online Work Order System is a user-friendly mobile-optimized website designed to make placing a customer request easy. Using the system you can place a request, request an AiM account, and the track status of requests and work orders.

Assetworks AIM

(on-campus/VPN network access required)

AiM is the integrated work management system that PSU uses to track work orders, projects, space management, project related contracts, project related invoices, and leases among other functions. Typical customer use of AiM includes submitting customer requests, tracking work orders and projects, viewing cost information for work orders and projects.

Campus Maps and Floor plans

PSU Interactive Campus Map

Use our university's interactive map to find up to date building floor plans and area maps to help guide you to your destination throughout our sprawling downtown campus.

Campus Chalking and Posting Standards

Chalking Guidelines

Please review our campus standards on chalking and sign posting before planning your next event.

Art Installation Requests

If you are an artists interested in installing work around PSU, please visit our university's campus art page to review your options and learn how to submit a request.

FPM Private Site

If you have access to our private site this will redirect you: Facilities and Property Management Internal Site