Faculty Development Opportunities

2023/2024 Academic Year

Faculty Development Opportunities

  • Types of Development Opportunities Available
  • There are a number of faculty opportunities at PSU. Development funding opportunities include those for AAUP-Represented Faculty who may apply for the Individual Professional Development Accounts (IPDA), the Faculty Development Program, and President's Diversity Mini-Grant. PSUFA-Represented Faculty may apply for the Faculty Education Fund and Professional Development Fund. Please see details of these funding opportunities below along with additional professional opportunities at PSU.

    Faculty Development Funding Opportunities

    AAUP-Represented Faculty
    (Appointments of 0.50 FTE or greater)

    Individual Professional Development Accounts (IPDA)

    As part of the completed collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between the University and AAUP individual professional development accounts (IPDA). Requests will be approved and administered at the college and department level.

    Funded September 30th of the fiscal year and prorated by FTE as follows:

    • Tenure Track Faculty: $1,100
    • Non-Tenure Track Faculty: $600
    • Academic Professionals: $500

    For continuing employees, funds will be available for use on July 1 of each fiscal year. Contact your department for the administration of funds. More information regarding this provision can be found in the CBA between PSU and AAUP, Article 19, Section 3 and on the OAA website: Individual Professional Development Guidance (IPDA FAQ).

    Faculty Development Grants

    Funds are managed and distributed by the Faculty Development Committee (FDC). All AAUP bargaining unit members and department chairs, including tenure-related, fixed-term, and academic professionals, whose appointment continues throughout the 2023-24 academic year, are eligible to apply. The current membership of the Faculty Development committee may be found in the Faculty Senate Governance Guide. Annual funding available: $675,000 per Article 19 of the PSU-AAUP Collective Bargaining Agreement.

    President's Diversity Mini-Grant

    Global Diversity & Inclusion and the Diversity Action Council (DAC) seek to promote a positive campus climate for diversity; support the development of diversity curriculum; enhance communications across race, gender, and other boundaries; and assist in the recruitment and retention of a diverse student body, faculty, staff, and administration. The President’s Diversity Mini-Grant Program supports diversity activities that address these goals. Support may be requested for curricular development projects; campus events and programs; or diversity-related research, including but not limited to the evaluation of campus diversity programs. For more information on these mini-grants, please call the contact listed below.

    PSUFA-Represented Faculty
    (appointments less than 0.50 FTE)

    PSUFA Benefits

    PSUFA administers three benefits for part-time faculty: The Adjunct Faculty Assistance Fund, the Faculty Education Fund, and the Professional Development Fund. Benefits are available to members by application throughout the year. Send any questions or inquiries to benefits@psufa.org and for more information including how to apply visit the PSUFA Benefits Webpage.

    Research and Graduate Studies Opportunities

    Portland State faculty and staff may be eligible for additional funding opportunities: