Weaving Data

11:00 AM - 11:59 PM, January 24th - April 29th 2023
Detail image of Sarah Wertzberger, Iris or Temperance, 2019, Handwoven Jacquard (TC2), cotton and polyester yarn, 36 x 28 inches framed.
FMH 110
1855 SW Broadway
Portland, OR 97201
Cost / Admission
Free Admission

Jan 24 – Apr 29, 2023 

Featured Artists: Faig Ahmed, April Bey, Jovencio de la Paz, Ahree Lee, Kayla Mattes, Shelley Socolofsky, Joan Truckenbrod, Vo Vo, and Sarah Wertzberger

Overview: Digital computing is deeply connected to weaving. The Jacquard weaving process, first demonstrated in 1801, gave instructions to a loom using holes punched in paper cards—an early form of binary code. Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine (1834), the blueprint for modern computing and algorithms, borrowed elements of its design from the Jacquard loom. One element was the punch card, which remained a primary medium for programming and inputting data to computers into the 1980s.

High technology’s roots in the Industrial Revolution may explain some of the biases and challenges currently facing the industry. Historically, narratives of industrialization have minimized the contributions of women, low-wage laborers, and people of color. This same habit of erasure now plays out in high tech’s origin myths and frequent failure to cultivate inclusivity in education, hiring, and product design.

The artists in this exhibition investigate the complex relationship between weaving and computing. Some use data analysis, while others use metaphor. Some collaborate with computers to make their weavings; others weave by hand, but use data or internet memes as a basis for woven patterns. Regardless of approach, these artists remind us that we all have a say in deciding which technologies and cultural values we choose to elevate.

Curated by Theo Downes-Le Guin and Nancy Downes-Le Guin

Exhibition, education, and outreach programs have been made possible by a grant from The Ford Family Foundation. 

This exhibition is supported by the Oregon Cultural Trust.

More Information: https://sites.google.com/pdx.edu/weaving-data/weaving-data

Museum Hours:

Tuesday:           11 am – 5 pm
Wednesday:     11 am – 5 pm
Thursday:         11 am – 7 pm
Friday:              11 am – 5 pm
Saturday:          11 am – 5 pm
Sunday: Closed
Monday: Closed

Image: Sarah Wertzberger, Iris or Temperance, 2019, Handwoven Jacquard (TC2), cotton and polyester yarn, 36 x 28 inches framed, © Sarah Wertzberger, Courtesy of the artist and Holding Contemporary