Online Degrees Overview

PSU students studying in Smith Center

Earn your degree or certificate online from an accredited university with a national reputation for excellence

Many colleges offer online bachelor's degree and online graduate degrees. Why choose an online degree program at Portland State?

  • You'll belong to a real community. Our online programs feature an exceptionally interactive experience. You’ll build strong relationships in our online degree programs, connecting with a community that’s renowned for creativity and social responsibility.
  • You'll learn from our distinguished faculty. Portland State's online bachelor's degrees and online graduate programs are led by the same experienced experts who helped build our reputation for academic excellence.

You'll get a rigorous education from an accredited public university. We uphold the highest academic standards in our online degree programs. You'll take the same courses and earn the same degree as students who attend Portland State in person.

Explore Portland State's Online Degrees

All of our online bachelor's degrees and online graduate degrees offer a flexible, affordable pathway to academic achievement and career opportunities.

Find the online degree program that fits your career aspirations, or explore some of our innovative programs below.

Want to learn more about how Portland State offers you the best online degree opportunities? Request information here >> 

PSU online student studying at home with her daughter

Online Bachelor’s Degrees in Interdisciplinary Studies

Build highly sought skills such as writing, teamwork, research, and critical thinking. Choose from three concentrations: Liberal Studies, Arts & Letters, and Social Science.

Cargo barge being loaded at port

Online Bachelor’s Degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice

Work with award-winning faculty who stand at the forefront of research and professional practice

Police detective and officer working

Online Master’s Degree in Global Supply Chain Management

Boost your earning power with the nation's only accredited, fully online supply chain management program.

two PSU online students talking

Online Master’s Degree in Social Work

Earn an online MSW that ranks among the best in the nation, according to U.S. News & World Report.