Ethan Sharygin, Coordinator

The Oregon State Data Center (SDC) is a partnership with the U.S. Census Bureau . The Population Research Center (PRC) is the lead agency responsible for administering this programs in Oregon.  The SDC program includes four "Coordinating" agencies and twenty state, local, and university "Affiliates " across Oregon.  The Oregon SDC also conducts teaching and training , and holds an annual data users conference.  For more in-depth studies that require applied research, consulting services, and customized tabulations, PRC research faculty offer extensive experience and knowledge.  Our custom demographic portraits have helped many local and regional communities and state agencies with their fiscal planning, grant applications, and expansion decisions.  Contact PRC at 503-725-3922 or for more information.

The State Data Center (SDC) Program is a cooperative program between the states and the Census Bureau that was created in 1978 to make data available locally to the public through a network of state agencies, universities, libraries, and regional and local governments.  The program's mission is to provide easy and efficient access to U.S. Census Bureau data and information. To accomplish this mission, the SDCs work in partnership with the Census Bureau through the Customer Liaison and Marketing Services Office (CLMSO) and the Regional Offices of the Census Bureau. A Memorandum of Understanding between each state and the Census Bureau supports this partnership.