Fall Term 2021 Courses

Fall scene
JST317U / HST317U

JST 317U / HST 317U | Jewish History I: From Antiquity to the Middle Ages | Spielman

JST 317U / HST 317U | Jewish History I: From Antiquity to the Middle Ages
INSTRUCTOR: Professor Loren Spielman
TIME/DAY(S): Monday/Wednesday, 2:00 p.m. - 3:50 p.m.

When does the history of the Jews begin? How reliable is the Bible as a source for Jewish origins? What was life like for Jews living under Greek and Roman rule, during the time of Jesus, or under the first Christian and Muslim empires? This course will answer all these questions, covering the Jewish historical experience from its Biblical origins (circa 1000 BCE) through the end of the first millennium (1000 CE). We will examine diverse forms of Jewish life during antiquity and examine the boundaries of pre-modern Jewish cultural and religious identity. Special attention will also be paid to ancient Jewish literature, including texts from the Hebrew Bible, the Jewish Apocrypha, the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Talmud.

This class is the first in a two semester introduction to the study of Jewish history, religion and culture (no prerequisites are required).

JST 317U is an elective course for the Medieval Studies Minor degree.

University Studies cluster: Interpreting the Past


JST319U / HST319U

JST 319U / HST 319U | Rabbinic Culture in the Roman World | Spielman

NOTE: This class has been cancelled for Fall Term 2021.
JST 319U / HST 319U | Rabbinic Culture in the Roman World

INSTRUCTOR: Professor Loren Spielman
TIME/DAY(S): Tuesday/Thursday, 2:00 p.m. - 3:50 p.m.
LOCATION: PSC 126 (Peter Stott Center) | CRN:  11677 / 11506

After the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in 70 CE, Jewish society experienced a radical transformation. From the ashes of the now defunct cult in Jerusalem, a new form of Judaism emerged, rooted in the study and interpretation of sacred texts and centered around the life of the Rabbinic sage. A flourishing of literary activity during the first seven centuries of the Common Era produced the foundational texts of Rabbinic Judaism, the Mishnah, Midrash and Talmud, which continue to give shape to modern Jewish practice and belief. Through a survey of this rich and textured literature, this course will examine the roots of the Rabbinic movement. Asking critical questions about who these rabbis were and what they promoted as their core practices and beliefs, we will devote special attention to the ways these early rabbis related to other segments of ancient Jewish society, reacted to the emergence and spread of Christianity, and negotiated living in the predominantly pagan environment of the Greco-Roman city.

JST 319U is an elective course for the Classical Studies minor degree.

JST 319U is an elective course for the Medieval Studies Minor degree.

University Studies cluster: Interpreting the Past.

ENG 330U

ENG 330U Jewish & Israeli Literature | Weingrad


ENG 330U | Jewish and Israeli Literature ​
INSTRUCTOR: Professor Michael Weingrad

LOCATION: Online instruction | CRN: 11137

This course looks at the Jewish encounter with modernity through literature.  The focus will be on literature produced by East European Jews in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, a period of great upheaval reflected in the emerging modern Hebrew and Yiddish literatures of the time.  We will read works by such classic modern Jewish authors as Sholem Aleichem, S.Y. Agnon, and H. N. Bialik.  In the second half of the course, we will sample literature produced after the 1930s, including Israeli literature and literature produced outside of Eastern Europe.


University studies clusters:  Global Perspectives and Popular Culture

History of Zionism course

JST/HST 379U | History of Zionism | Spiegel 


NOTE: This class has been cancelled for Fall Term 2021.
JST 379U/ HST 379U | History of Zionism
INSTRUCTOR: Professor Nina Spiegel
Tuesday/Thursday, 12:00 p.m. - 1:50 p.m.
LOCATION: Remote synchronous | CRN:  14850 / 14378

Nationalism is very much in the news. But what is a nation? And what is the Jewish nation? This course will explore the ideas and visions that shaped the modern Israeli state. We will examine the sources and contexts of the emergence of Zionism, its theorists and philosophers, its actualization in the State of Israel, and its various achievements, contradictions, challenges, and lessons for us today. Our sources will include photography, film, novels and memoirs such as Puah Rakovsky’s My Life as a Radical Jewish Woman: Memoirs of a Zionist Feminist in Poland.

University Studies cluster: Global Perspectives

JST380U / HST380U

JST 380U/ HST 380U | The Holocaust | Farron

JST 380U/ HST 380U | The Holocaust
INSTRUCTOR: Professor Nichola Farron
Online instruction
Online instruction | CRN: 11679 / 11523


This course will introduce students to the Nazi-planned and executed genocide of European Jewry that has come to be known as the Holocaust. Although we will of course study the so-called "Final Solution" and the process of mass murder, the course aims to provide a broad and contextualized understanding of many aspects of the Holocaust. These include the German and European contexts for the rise of Nazism; the nature of antisemitism and its links to Nazi ideology and policy; the nature and definition of resistance; the question of the "bystanders"; and types of collaboration. The goal is to gain an understanding of the Holocaust as an aspect of many different kinds of history: Jewish history, German history, European history, the history of antisemitism, and perhaps also the history of human civilization (or absence thereof). As time permits, we will also touch upon how the Holocaust is understood and "used" in contemporary society.

University Studies cluster: Global Perspectives.


Kabbalah course

JST 381U/ HST 381U | Kabbalah | Professor Meir


JST 381U/ HST 381U | Kabbalah
INSTRUCTOR: Professor Natan Meir
Tuesday and Thursday, 4:40 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
LOCATION: ASRC 240 (Academic and Student Recreation Center) | CRN: 14393 / 14379

Kabbalah, the mystical tradition in Judaism, seeks to understand the inner nature of the divine and the reciprocal relationship between God and humanity. Kabbalistic thought is imaginative, innovative, sometimes weird, and often mind-bending, offering a vision of the divine highly inflected by gender and sexuality. In this course, we will study central works and expressions of Kabbalah, including the mystical-erotic “Book of Splendor” (The Zohar) of medieval Spain; a 17th-century mystical messianic movement; the Hasidic revival movement; and Jewish magical practices.

JST 381U is an elective course for the Medieval Studies Minor degree.

No prerequisites. University Studies cluster: Interpreting the Past



FILM 384U | Topics in American Cinema and Culture: American Jewish Experience Through Film | Weingrad

FILM 384U | Topics in American Cinema and Culture: American Jewish Experience Through Film
INSTRUCTOR: Professor Michael Weingrad

DAY(S)/TIME(S): Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 1:35 p.m.

The Jewish experience in the United States has been reflected, celebrated, and challenged in American cinema since the beginning of the sound era—which began with the release of The Jazz Singer, a blockbuster film about a cantor’s son torn between American success and Jewish tradition. In this course we will examine and critique cinematic representations of the American Jewish story, looking at immigration, Americanization, suburbia, antisemitism, politics, race, faith, and nostalgia. Films include Hester Street, Avalon, The Way We Were, State and Main, Fiddler on the Roof, Bye Bye Braverman, the documentaries Town Bloody Hall and Arguing the World, and Yiddish classics Uncle Moses and Tevye the Dairyman.

University Studies clusters: American Identities and Examining Popular Culture

This course fulfills the BA Fine and Performing Arts requirement

FILM course fees:  Students and auditors taking any film course will be charged a $45.00 fee.  This is a fee that the Film department applies to all of their courses. 


HST 494/594

HST 494 / 594 | Public History Seminar: Museums & Memory in the U.S. & Israel | Spiegel

HST 494 / 594 | Public History Seminar: Museums & Memory in the U.S. & Israel
INSTRUCTOR: Professor Nina Spiegel
TIME/DAY(S): Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. - 12:50 p.m.  NOTE: new time as of 9/29/2021

How is national memory formed? What is the role of memory in shaping a nation's sense of identity? Incorporating field trips to local museums, this seminar examines the relationship between national history, memory, and museums in Israel and the United States.  We will investigate cultural debates that take place over the presentation of national history at public sites. Our comparative approach will facilitate our exploration of the ethos of national memory and the politics of cultural memory.


No prerequisites are required.

Hebrew Language Courses at PSU

Learning the Hebrew language will open you to the complexities of a culture that is as passionate about art, media, and technology as it is about history and archaeology.  Modern Hebrew is a language that is written in the same alphabet as the Hebrew Bible, and uses mostly the same words and grammatical structures, but oftentimes with different meanings.  How does Modern Hebrew maintain continuity with an ancient language and yet stay viable in the realities of the 21st century? By using grammar creatively and coining new vocabulary to express modern concepts. The result is a language that is poetic, multi-layered, dynamic, and expressive.


Hebrew aleph

HEBREW 101 | First-Year Hebrew
INSTRUCTOR: Moshe Rachmuth
TIME/DAY(S):  Monday/Wednesday, 10 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.
ROOM: PKM 52 | CRN: 14786

Hebrew 101 emphasizes modern media Hebrew, including translation and writing.  No prerequisite.  For non-native speakers of Hebrew only.  This is the first course in a sequence of three: HEB 101, HEB 102, HEB 103. 

Hebrew magazine cover


HEBREW 301 | Third-Year Hebrew
INSTRUCTOR: Moshe Rachmuth
TIME/DAY(S):  Monday/Wednesday, 12:00 p.m. - 1:50 p.m.
ROOM: PKM 52  | CRN: 11433

Hebrew 301 emphasizes modern media Hebrew, including translation and writing. Recommended prerequisite: Heb 203. For non-native speakers of Hebrew only. This is the first course in a sequence of three: HEB 301, HEB 302, HEB 303.