Plan Your Visit

Combining art, gardens, text, and a vibrant community space, the Walk of the Heroines is at once functional and beautiful. In a subtly changing landscape, areas of quiet contemplation merge into more active spaces for conversation and public celebration. A visitor entering from either end of the Walk encounters exciting discoveries.

The Walk of the Heroines is located on the Portland State University campus, between Hoffman Hall and Peter W. Stott Community Field. The garden, accessible by car, bike, bus, streetcar and MAX, is easy to reach when visiting Portland's major cultural institutions, including the Portland Art Museum, the Oregon Historical Society, the Keller Fountain and Auditorium, and the Performing Arts Center.

Features of the Walk

Naming Walls and Stage

Those browsing the wall will find familiar names of women honored and will also discover new heroines cherished by others.


Gardens designed to reflect the spirit of the Walk of the Heroines frame the north and south sides of the walkway.

Curved stone wall and plants


Learn about the inspiration behind the Walk's sculptures.

Engraved Quotations

Read the quotations that are engraved on the stone benches and paving bands that curve through the walkway.

Close up of engraved quote
Woman on bike riding around fountain

Honoring Mothers and Grandmothers

The Fountain in Honor of Mothers and the Wall in Honor of Grandmothers hold a central symbolic place in the Walk of the Heroines.