• Book an appointment to see your advisor
  • The IELP has two full-time Academic Advisors who help students with language learning, academic success and goal achievement.

    Kristi Kang (students who are in levels PEP-3 classes)

    Office: UCB 400
    Email: kkang@pdx.edu
    Phone: 503-725-2329

    Michele Miller (students who are in all level 4-5 classes)

    Office: UCB 400
    Email: millerm@pdx.edu
    Phone: 503-725-8126

    How can IELP Academic Advisors help you?

    Navigating American academic culture is a new experience for many students. IELP Academic Advisors can help you with:

    • questions about your classes and schedule
    • understanding IELP policies
    • academic planning
    • transitioning to study at PSU
    • academic support like tutoring and other help
    • study skills
    • getting involved outside of classes
    • attendance concerns
    • connecting to services and resources on campus such as health services and immigration advising
    • homesickness and cultural adjustment
    • housing problems, banking, and other student life concerns
    • any questions that you have about being a student in the IELP

    Throughout the term, IELP academic advisors engage with students in these ways:

    • IELP New Student Orientation
    • American Culture and Academic Life (ACAL) classes
    • mid-term check ins and academic support outreach
    • academic advising appointments
    • Inspirational Students Awards
    • Academic Excellence Awards
    • Farewell Ceremony