Currently Accolades: Presented for October 9, 2023

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  1. Priya Kapoor, Politics and Global Affairs faculty, presented a paper titled, “Coolies of Shimla: From British Raj and Pre-Colonial Baegar (Indentured) Laws to Modern Slavery,” Sept. 16 at the conference, “Colonialism, Slavery and Local Histories in Early Modern Asia,” in Växjö, Sweden.
  2. Sejin Keem and Shung Jae Shin, Business faculty, presented a paper titled, “Leaders’ Dominance- and Prestige-Orientations and Team Innovative Performance,” Aug. 4-8 in the symposium, “Team Creativity and Innovation Research: Introducing Diverse Perspectives and Novel Insights,” at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in Boston.
  3. Ryan Petteway, Public Health faculty, and Sylvia Rivera, recent MPH graduate, co-presented “Unsettling the Place-Health Gaze: Youth Geopoems as Epistemic Disobedience and Resurgence,” on Aug. 30-Sept. 1 at the 2023 Royal Geographic Society annual international conference in London.
  4. Sue Taylor, Art History faculty emerita, presented an invited lecture at the Portland Art Museum, “Renoir, A Conundrum,” on Sept. 21 in Portland, Oregon.
  5. Eva Thanheiser, Mathematics faculty, presented “Placing Place Value in Context: Knotting Numbers,” at the First Place Value Conference in Schwaebisch Gmuend, Germany.