Strategic Partner: Intel


Intel’s operations in Oregon stretch across five campuses west of Portland in Washington County. The campuses comprise Intel’s largest and most comprehensive site in the world — a global center of semiconductor research and manufacturing and an anchor of Oregon’s economy. The company has nearly 19,300 employees in Oregon, making it the state’s largest private employer. Intel is deeply invested in schools and education with $5.3 million in donations in Oregon in 2016.

PSU’s partnership with Intel is significant and growing with major connections to students, faculty, and programming. It is currently estimated that over 1200 PSU alumni are employed by Intel. Only Arizona State University has more alumni employed by Intel in the United States. Since 2011, Intel has provided $1.58M in sponsored research to PSU and $2.75M in philanthropic gifts.

The Intel-PSU Partnership is organized through the following categories:

  • STEM K-12 Pipeline
  • Workforce Development
  • Faculty Research and Engagement

STEM: K-12 Pipeline

Intel and PSU are partners in the following STEM-related K-12 pipeline efforts:

  • STEM Center for College and Career Readiness
  • Summer Bridge Program – Intel helps transition underrepresented minority students to PSU STEM studies through the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation
  • Intel is a partner in Oregon Mesa Program @ Portland State University
  • Intel NW Science Expo is the state-level science competition for Oregon; PSU is the Presenting Sponsor

Intel support for PSU Student Enrollment, Internships and Employment

  • Intel supports PSU’s “New Beginnings” — a program designed for students with a BA in science but little computer programming experience.
  • The Maseeh College of Engineer and Computer Science recently began working with Intel managers to develop an internship for students nearing graduation. A special Intel day is held 2X per year on campus; since 2013, 241 MCECS interns have been placed at Intel.
  • Intel Hiring Events: Strategic Partnerships facilitated a hiring event for Intel in partnership with the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences in 2015 leading to job offers for 26 recent science graduates. This annual program is now managed by Career Services.
  • Maseeh College Westside Program at Willow Creek provides graduate courses in technical areas designed for working professionals. 25% of enrolled students are Intel employees; 75 students that have gone through this program now work at Intel; the majority of faculty are adjunct professors with Intel ties.

Faculty Engagement

Individual faculty from Portland State have established a dense network of relationships with Intel managers and work teams. Some of these relationships result in Intel funded research; others are professional exchanges that result in guest teaching, research support for students, internships for students, and joint funding proposals.