Currently Accolades: Published/Exhibited for May 13, 2024

  1. Anita Bright, Curriculum & Instruction faculty, published an encyclopedia entry titled “History and Impact of Israeli Siege and Attacks on Education in Gaza, Palestine” in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. 
  2. Paula Carder, OHSU-PSU School of Public Health faculty and Director of the Institute on Aging, co-authored an article titled “Does Assisted Living Provide Assistance And Promote Living?” in Health Affairs.
  3. Julian Cohen, MS ‘23 Geology, and John Bershaw, Geology faculty, published an article titled “Volcanic Glass as a Proxy for Paleotopography Suggests New Features in Late-Miocene Oregon” on Apr. 30 in Atmosphere.
  4. Martín Alberto Gonzalez, Chicanx/Latinx Studies faculty, published his bilingual children's book Boxnard: Counterstories as Counterpunches | Contrahistorias como Contragolpes.
  5. Mary Marshall, Business faculty, published “Investigating the effect of service messages on noncompliant taxpayers’ reactions to imperfect audits” on Mar. 30 in Journal of American Taxation Association.
  6. Talitha May, English, published “Reflections on Insects and Decolonization in the Anthropocene” in Language and Ecology.
  7. Talitha May, English, will publish "Pacific Waterleaf" in Phoebe: A Journal of Literature and Art.
  8. Rachel Noorda and Kathi Inman Berens, English faculty, published "Gen Zers and millennials are still big fans of books – even if they don’t call themselves ‘readers’"  on Apr. 30 in The Conversation. 
  9. Jack Straton, Physics and University Studies faculty, published a paper titled “The Fourier–Legendre Series of Bessel Functions of the First Kind and the Summed Series Involving 1F2 Hypergeometric Functions that Arise from them” in Axioms.
  10. Jack Straton, Physics and University Studies faculty, had one of his photographs chosen to be part of BOTANICAL 2023, Jan. 5-28, at Las Laguna Gallery in Laguna Beach, California.