Supervisor Supports

Welcome to the Supervisor Supports web page.  This page will serve as your primary reference point for the New Worker Professional Development Supervisor Support tools, and would be a good page to bookmark for future reference.  A number of tools have been developed to help supervisors and new employees navigate through the first year of professional development, and you can find several of those tools listed below.

New Worker Training Session Summaries

The New Worker Training Session Summaries (located under each pertinent training on the SSS1 Trainings page) are provided for each session of each training: Essential Elements of Child Welfare Practice, Well-being Needs of Children and Youth, Family Conditions, and Preparing and Presenting for Success in Court.  These documents include general information about the training, including length of training, time frame in which it must be completed, and any prerequisites required to ensure eligibility for attendance.  Further, the individual session summaries give the session description, learning objectives and key content, competencies and competency components associated with each session.

Additional Resources

Supervisor Support Tools

There are three primary Supervisor Support tools that have been developed and are available for your use in determining how best to guide your new worker through their first year of professional development in child welfare.  The tools listed above are available for your use, and they will continue to evolve as drafts, adding changes and revisions for a limited period of time until fully complete.

The Supervisor's Guide to Caseworker Training: Supervisor Actions and Coaching Supports to Enhance Professional Development and Transfer of Learning is broken out by training and is aimed at reaching two goals:

  1. To provide supervisors and managers with a comprehensive overview of the training content for caseworkers in their first year of employment.
  2. To equip supervisors with ideas, activities and coaching supports to enhance professional development and the transfer of learning before, during and after training events within the new professional development structure of caseworker training within their first year of employment.

The Oregon Safety Model Conceptual Skills: A Tool for Coaching and Feedback for Improved Professional Development can be used in conjunction with the conceptual skills section of the Knowledge Assessment Report as a clinical supervision tool to support professional development around Oregon Safety Model concepts.  This tool contains:

  1. Rule or Procedure Manual reference related to the conceptual skills
  2. Learning Activity ideas for professional development regarding the conceptual skills
  3. Brief Conceptual Skill Reviews of the conceptual skills
  4. Questioning Techniques for case supervision or coaching regarding the conceptual skills  

The Oregon Child Welfare Competency & Depth of Knowledge Matrix uses Norman Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK) model to describe the levels of competency illustrated in this matrix as Emergent, Progressing and Proficient.  In this matrix the Oregon Child Welfare Caseworker Competencies are converted into observations a supervisor might make of a caseworker when at a certain level of either emergent, progressing or proficient.

The tools listed above are available for your use, and they will continue to evolve as drafts, adding changes and revisions for a limited period of time until fully complete.


We are dedicated to your success, and are available to support you in your ventures in the revised training model; from knowing which prerequisites belong to which trainings and how to get registered for them, to transfer of learning and clinical supervision supports, and navigating the new worker portfolio contents that you will receive after your worker attends training in our office.  In order to help answer your questions as quickly as possible, we've identified a list of contacts and what they are best able to help with.

Kirstin O'Dell, Child Welfare Workforce Evaluation Manager
New Worker Portfolio and Evaluation Information
(503) 399-5152

Kim Lorz, Training and Workforce Development Manager
Training Requirements and Timelines
(971) 718-6183